Gender equality
Gender in research and innovation is an increasingly important topic to be considered throughout all stages of research, talent management and policy decisions. Not only do facts and figures show repeatedly alarming realities on gender in research (She figures) but also is there evidence that a thoughtful involvement of gendered thinking in R&I results in better research, better talent retention and better general outcomes. A novelty (2022) in Horizon Europe is that all public organization who receive funding must have a Gender Equality Plan in place. See EURAXESS Hubs overview of Gender Equality Plans
Gender overview for researchers
A gender balance within researcher teams is not simply having a balance of the sexes in the team. A good strategy for researchers of all stages is to reflect on a myriad of ways in which gender dimensions can be integrated into career developments of researchers as well as into the research itself. Here Euraxess Hubs provides a selection of tools, links and best practices for such an approach
Gendered Research
Gendered research. Integrating gender dimensions into the design of research projects is becoming increasingly important. This has become a criteria of excellence in Horizon Europe proposals and increases likelihood of getting funded, but it also results in better research
Self-assessment tools
Take these online tests to assess your understanding of gender in research
One successful tool for bettering gender balance within academia is to consult with networking initiatives and platforms. Here are some good examples of networking initiatives
Workshops, training and coaching
Take a look at some online workshops, training and coaching
- A selection of videos from the Target project, best practices, thoughts and insights
- Free online course: “Integrating gender into your scientific research”
- European University Association webinar on women in academia. Recording of webinar available
Mentoring Programmes
- Gender-sensitive mentoring programme in academia: A design process
Gender Dimensions for Institutions
In this section you will find an overview of Gender Equality Plans, listing the most important documents, guides on the topic. Institutions can take advantage of this platform for drafting and implementing a gender equality plan, which has become mandatory for any proposals in Horizon Europe.
Gender in the HR process
- FESTA Handbook on Resistance to Gender Equality in Academia
- Practical Guide to Improve Gender Equality in Research Organisations”
Working conditions
- EIGE case study: Maternity cover fund and return to work policies. Good practices
- Toolkit to enhance gender sensitive PhD supervision for supervisors
Gender Audits
- Gender audit - Definition and purpose
- Gender monitoring. How to build up a set of indicators for gender-sensitive monitoring?
Data and concepts
- SAGE primary data collection tools
- Structural transformation to achieve gender equality in science: Guidelines
- LERU: Women, research and universities: excellence without gender bias
- The path towards gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) - Figures 2021
Gender competence training
- Gender in EU-funding research - Toolkit and training
- AKKA leadership programme: Attracting more women into academic leadership positions
Mentoring (Set up)
- Gender-sensitive Mentoring Programme in Academia: A Design Process
Self assesment tools
Gender Equality Plans GEPs
With the introduction/start of Horizon Europe, the European Commission made gender equality plans (GEPs) a basic requirement for participation in its research framework programme.
It defined GEPs as: “a set of commitments and actions that aim to promote gender equality in an organisation through a process of structural change” (source: European Institute for Gender Equality).
The Gender Team worked on best practices and recommendations regarding GEPs and it is published on the ECs webite.
Learn more here: Gender Equality Plans | EURAXESS (