Join us for a 1.5 hour interactive webinar to discuss funding opportunities for refugee researchers! 22 Nov 2019, 14.00, CET. We will discuss together these and many other questions and aspects about how Refugee Researchers Could Benefit from Research Funding Opportunities in Europe Outside Academia.
Research integrity indicates conducting research in accord with standards that properly inform and guide that activity: codes, good practices and legal norms. These standards depend on the country, the research institution and the scientific field. Due to the change of country and institution, refugee researchers are faced with the problem of not being familiar with standards from the new environment. During the webinar, RRs will be offered practical advice, resources, information and guidance on research integrity and how to maintain it while change research institution or country.
It is a 1.5 hour interactive webinar, focused on the following topics:
- What standards define research integrity?
- What are forms of research misconducts?
- Why is research integrity important for RR and mobile researchers in general?
- Research integrity space
- Is there anything in BRiDGE projects that is helpful in this regard?
Please, register by sending a copy of your CV, latest diploma, legal status document in the host country and signed and scanned copy of the attached consent sending them by email, svetlana@fmi.uni-sofia.bg by 20 Nov 2019!
For more information please visit: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/International/projects/bridge2/training.html#web1