
- Date & Duration
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Potential of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) within the ERA- Challenges
Online session, 14/12/ 2023 at: 15:00 -17:00 C.E.T.
Ms. Mary Kate O’Regan| HR Business Manager Research| University College Cork
Coordinator of CARDEA Project (GA No: 101058572 —HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01)
15.00–15.15:ERA policy agenda- Action 17:Research Management Initiative – Enhancing the strategic capacity of Europe’s public research performing and funding organisations
15.15 –16.00:Overview of CARDEA - Career Acknowledgement for Research (Managers) Delivering for the European Area- Project
- Overview of CARDEA Project
- Results of the CARDEA Survey
- Introduction to the CARDEA Framework RM 1 to RM 4
- Training ecosystem for Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs)
16.00–16.30: Impact of CARDEA Project to achieving excellence in research management development
- Research Management Careers and Their Future
- Cardea European Research Managers Hub
16.30 – Discussion
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